Ecofurb for Business

Our team advises the landlords of over 2 million homes and quality assures the work done through Government funding schemes, such as ECO and the Social Housing Decarbonisation Scheme.

Our technology stack works at scale to help you identify the need and opportunity for retrofit, and deliver services to your customers and staff.

Contact us to find out more.



Ecofurb for Business brings together a proven technology stack that includes

Portfolio – software used by the landlords of 2 million homes to develop their net zero plans

Pathways – a digital twin for every home in the country, used by local authorities covering 50% stock

Plan Builder – brandable consumer-facing advice tool, giving homeowners access to test retrofit options for their home’s digital twin

Surveyor Pro – software for Retrofit Coordinators to build tailored home energy plans

PAS hub – software to capture, manage and report on the progress and quality of retrofit projects, from survey to install


Portfolio Pro baseline reporting offers:

  • Updateable data model for every home
  • Existing and predicted EPC bands
  • Measure financed emissions
  • MEES risk assessment
  • Filter by IMD, location, property features and user-defined factors

  • Progress reporting



Our powerful and flexible options analysis identifies

  • Least cost route to your targets
  • SAP, carbon and/or heat demand
  • Tests 2,000+ costed options for every home
  • Considers restrictions, such as planning constraints and tenure
  • Identifies Retrofit Credits potential (beta)


Whether you want quality assured advice to bring green finance to the market, or to help your staff reduce the carbon emissions from home-working, we have a plan for every home.

Ecofurb gives homeowners access to that plan, and the service to implement it.


Plan your offer with Ecofurb for businesses and we’re ready to make it available as Ecofurb or under your brand.

Home Energy Efficiency Case Studies